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Dear students, welcome to the student council for linguistics and phonetics' homepage.

We are your first stop for questions, problems and suggestions you might have concerning your studies at University of Cologne. We represent all students of linguistics and phonetics in front of institutes, faculty and the university itself. Thus, we are organized as your student council and participate in the philosophical faculty's boards and committees.

Moreover, we organize activities for all students of linguistics and phonetics, as BBQs and christmas parties, study days, excursions, pub tours, and activities for first semester students. We also like to cooperate with other student councils to achieve the best experience for you possible.

During lecture period we meet about once a month, if required more frequently. In between lecture periods we meet less often.

Note: As it is currently not possible to study linguistics and phonetics BA and MA at University of Cologne without German language skills, the reminder of this website is not available in English. Once it is possible to study the linguistics MA in English only, we will expand the full range of information to an English language version.
If there are any questions you would like to ask us, you may still contact as in English via e-mail. Thank you for understanding.

Events & Angebote

Im Laufe des Jahres veranstalten wir für euch regelmäßig entspannte, interessante und informative Events. Außerdem bieten wir euch gerne Informationen rund um Studium und Beruf sowie die Möglichkeit, jederzeit mit uns in Kontakt zu treten.

...und das findest Du bei uns



Informationen zu unseren vergangenen und künftigen Veranstaltungen
